
Who I am and which is my goal?

Hello to everyone. My name is Judit Deig and nowadays I am studying a double bilingual degree in Journalism and Political Science.

My purpose as a journalist and with the creation of this blog is to show to the world the situation of that people who has suffered or is suffering the terrible consequences of a war or current world problems in first hand. My intention is to show their situation in a visual and clarify way to the viewers in order to make the war conflicts more understandable and comprehensible to people.

In order to achieve my goal I have created a blog where I have posted the analysis of information graphics about the themes treated in the blog and news about these themes in order to connect the infographics with current problems in society and make them more comprehensible to the audience.

The first step to solve a problem is to identify it and to can apply an efficient procedure that produces the expected benefits for the good of the people.

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