
jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2013

Thieves from the Boston robbery have been found by the FBI

The FBI recently reported to have identified the perpetrators of the robbery of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston, Massachusetts in 1990 whose fabulous booty, estimated at over 500 million dollars, was never recovered .

A total of 13 artworks, including paintings by Dutch masters Rembrandt and Vermeer were stolen in 1990 at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston.

FBI officials said they believe "have determined where they were transported stolen works of art in the years following the theft and know the identity of the thieves."

Isabella Stewart Gardner museum
"We have identified the perpetrators , who are members of a criminal organization based in the mid-Atlantic states (New York,New Jersey and Pennsylvania) and New England (northeastern U.S.) ," said a FBI detective , Richard DesLauriers, in a press conference .

However, the offense has prescribed and their authors can no longer be arrested for that crime, said the U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz. Only those who are in possession of the stolen items could be charged.

Richard DesLauriers explained that the works in question , valued at over 500 billion dollars were transferred after the robbery to Connecticut (also north) and the region of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania , where they were " invited for " about ten years ago.

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